Today is the Full Pink Moon 🌕 in Libra ♎, sextile with Jupiter ♃ and square with Pluto ♇, which amplifies the tension in the big offering both counterparts have been working toward in their union. To learn more about this offering, pick up the Twin Soul Romance and Ascension Report for April 2019!
There is much going on behind-the-scenes for both counterparts. The Full Moon is a time of pulling back and evaluating how things went, and Libra corresponds with Venus energy, so don’t be surprised if deep or even turbulent emotions come out.
Additionally, four cards popped out of the draw for today, indicating that energies are high and messages are to be had!
The divine feminine is testing to see if her manifestations are real or if they are more pittance and scraps from the DM and the universe. She does not want to go back to winter, but she is struggling to trust spring. The guidance is to See Everything Through the Eyes of Love—this is not a pittance!
She’s optimistic but struggling to see the transformation from before. Trust that the transformation is real, that this is a different DM coming forward, and a different universe as well—BECAUSE the DF has done the work and healed. You are safe. Have Faith to Walk Through New Doors, because divine timing is at play in what you’ve seen in the past and what you are seeing in the present, too.
Please understand as well that the DM may have been conditioned to avoid rejection and go after only that which he thinks he can claim. His twin soul is, of course, a major challenge for him. He is breaking through his tendency to “settle” for what he thinks he can achieve or create. He is instead going after exactly what he desires in his heart, and not doing a pre-measurement of, “Will I fail at this?” This is more patriarchal healing than personal healing.
Finally, there may be much patriarchal shame and guilt around going after a divine feminine that has rejected him in the past or sends mixed signals. He may feel “creepy,” like he’s overstepping boundaries, or like he’s harassing the feminine. He also fears the legal and societal #metoo consequences of crossing the line.
The feminine may have experienced this dynamic in the past as well, but is called to Reflect God’s Passion at this time for all the divine masculines who are a product of this society. This is NOT about excusing behavior by any means. It is only to say that whether the divine masculine has been a perfect gentleman or whether he has bought into casual misogyny in the past, he is influenced by the society he lives in, just as the divine feminine is.
Finally, Express Yourself Through Creativity is a call to go inward and take some focus off of the union. How can you create with God? This is especially an important question for those displeased with their divine masculine’s actions at this time!
The divine masculine is testing to see how his offer is received. He spent months toiling over the decision to make the offer, then how to make the offer. He finally made the offer, and he’ll be watching very closely to see the DF’s reaction to it. It’s take a lot of effort to get to this place of action, and the universe acknowledges the DM’s willingness to Have the Faith to Walk Through New Doors.
He’s encouraged to release expectations around this reaction and See Everything Through the Eyes of Love. “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way.”
While it’s understandable that a negative reaction might cause withdraw into a Hermit energy again, do not feel like that is the end—withdraw only to reevaluate and take a different approach in the offer. Reflect God’s Compassion when it comes to your divine feminine. She has been through a lot and may have other reasons for her negative reaction, that have nothing to do with the offer itself.
It feels to the DM like there is a lot on the line for this one offer, though that is not the case as neither counterpart can mess up the connection they share. Express Yourself Through Creativity indicates that the DM has much more to offer and will receive inspiration soon, if he hasn’t already.
Through this offer, the DM is attempting to build a deeper trust, so he feels comfortable offering more pentacles. This may be true even if the DM has confided in the DF before. Remember, this is a new beginning of communication. Where the DM was holding back once, he may be more forthcoming now—but slowly, in baby steps. Build that trust with him and create the safe space where all can be shared.
💌To go deeper with the current cosmic/astrological energies, grab the Twin Soul Romance and Ascension Report for this month! 💌
💝This reading was originally channeled for April 19, 2019, but trust that it came to you in the perfect divine timing! If you were drawn to it today, there’s a message here for you. 💝