4 Original Love and Relationship Tarot Spreads

Grab the free journal printables for our four original spreads:

  • Twin Soul Basic Spread
  • Twin Soul Mirror Spread
  • Separation From God Spread
  • Twin Soul Hearts in Union Spread

These spreads are also available on Etsy for a small fee if you’d like to support Card Reading Queen! They include instructional videos for how to get the most out of the spreads.

If you just want the journaling printables, grab them here: http://cardreadingqueen.com/tsjgoodies (under Tarot Spreads)

Twin Soul Resources

Monica Grace has been studying twin souls since 2017. This work has helped her heal her core and inner child wounding as well as her relationships, specifically her marriage. To help others work through their healing, she uses a combination of her frameworks:

  • The Twin Soul Core Wound Healing Archetypes which can help you identify your wound lens
  • The Core Wound Wheel and the 6 Deepest Core Woulds that all other wounds lead back to
  • The 3U (Upset, Union, Upheaval) Process that leads to healing
  • The Reflection Journaling Practice tool that guides you through clearing your inner blocks
  • The Inner Union Framework that helps you heal distorted masculine and feminine patterns within and in your relationships

Grab These Resources Here: http://cardreadingqueen.com/tsjgoodies

Twin Soul Oracle

The Twin Soul Oracle is based off of several oracle message decks, including:

  • Twin Soul Messages From the Divine Masculine
  • Twin Soul Messages From the Divine Feminine
  • Twin Soul Messages For Those in No/Low Contact or Separation
  • Twin Soul Messages For the Friend-Zoned Who Know It’s More
  • Twin Soul Messages For Ex-Lovers With an Unbroken Connection
  • Twin Soul Messages For Those in Complicated Relationships
  • Twin Soul Messages For Moving Toward Harmonious Union

Each deck was designed and written by Monica Grace and consists of 88 cards, as this number, also the double infinity, holds a special place in Monica’s heart.

To Get Your FREE Message, Go Here: http://twinsouloracle.com

Twin Soul Tarot

The Twin Soul Tarot is a 97-card deck specifically developed for love, romance, and relationship readings. The deck includes 27 Major Arcana cards and five suits representing the five elements—Spirit, Water, Air, Fire, and Earth.

The deck is designed, illustrated, and authored by Monica Grace, who has studied both twin souls and tarot for many years. She melds her deep understanding of tarot’s history, symbolism, and meanings with her cutting-edge knowledge of twin soul relationships and the inner union ascension journey. This deck is infused with deep love and positivity and gently guides the user into deeper harmonious union with themselves and with the important relationships in their lives.

To Get Your FREE spread, Go Here: http://twinsoultarot.com

Free Messages (Delivered!)

Do you love the cards from the Twin Soul Oracle and Twin Soul Tarot websites? Would you like to receive a daily guidance card by email?

Every weekday, receive a new message about your twin soul union. Each message is beautifully written and either provides you guidance for your day or shifts you gently into the energy of your divine union.

In addition to messages, you’ll also receive a Resource of the Day that corresponds to your message in case you want to learn something new or take action on your healing.

Go Here: http://twinsoulmessages.com