Today Venus ♀ is square with Jupiter ♃ and the divine feminines may find themselves getting cold feet regarding receiving whatever they’ve been trying to manifest, including what they want for their union. This message is emphasized for Taurus ♉, Libra ♎, and Sagittarius ♐ natives.
DFs, you will most likely get your pentacle offering in this week from the DM. If you don’t, don’t fret—some cosmic movements next week will move the DM forward unwillingly, to keep your union on pace with the rest of this wave. To read about these in advance, pick up the Twin Soul Romance and Ascension Report for April 2019! (Link in the bio.)
You will also begin to receive offerings from the universe, as you’ve opened yourself to a new level of abundance through your healing work.
You are getting your pentacle offering, finally! The 8 of Wands suggests that this is coming toward you quickly, even. If you haven’t seen your seedlings yet, stay strong and faithful—they are coming!
BUT the DF has sat for so long in winter energy. She has been in the dark, believing and having faith when there was no proof in the 3D. As the communication from the DM comes in, as the money comes in, as the vision for the career and family and romance get clearer, she may question… “Is this all I have to show for my work?”
The King of Swords energy is strong here, and the DF finds herself deeply stuck in her head. There’s too much logic at play, and while that’s been good to cut the BS from the situation, it doesn’t serve the DF to spin over past experiences and expect more of the same.
Remember that what you are seeing in the material world is simply a seedling to nurture. It may not be anywhere near the full picture, but do not confuse that with a pittance. A pittance or scraps is what was offered before, when the DF had not healed as deeply as she has now.
The message is, this is different and new. This is not more of what has come before in previous cycles.
The Judgement card suggests that the DF is struggling to focus on the present and the future. She is looking at the past and has learned from those experiences to expect the worst. But if she holds her beautiful manifestations in the 5D, there is nothing to fear because SHE has changed.
The 8 of Wands indicates that it’s time to move forward and take action! The DM has been waiting all winter, but now is the time to make things happen.
While the DM is only offering a single pentacle this month, he has many more to offer in the future. While the universe is only offering a single pentacle, please know that this is an alpha reflection, to give you a taste of what you know you deserve.
The Judgment card suggests that the DM is dwelling on past mistakes and failures with either his own divine feminine or other karmic partners and situations. He doesn’t want more of the same, and he feels responsible for the rejection he might receive. He prefers to go for things that feel like a sure thing, that he’s confident he can accomplish. So offering this pentacle to his divine feminine is taking him WAY out of his comfort zone.
This is not the pittance! This is instead a seedling that will grow and manifest into the offering the DF knows she deserves. Understand the distinction and the acknowledgment of the manifestation work that’s already been completed. There is more work to be done—much more work—but this time it is different as well. Trust that the masculine energies of your union will be there to nurture the seedlings. You are no longer in the dark, and you are no longer alone in your 3D efforts.
Additionally, you may have hoped that these offerings from the DM and the universe would come in in a rush, but instead they will likely come in as a steady trickle, like the beginnings of a stream.
For the DM, the King of Swords represents a logical approach to the situation. If you have 10 pentacles to give, but are unsure of how they’ll be received, would you hand them over all at once? The DM is cautious to space out his pentacles until the full harvest comes in this fall.
This topic will be covered more extensively in the cosmic energies of Week 4 of the Twin Soul Romance and Ascension Report, but needed to be shared here because this pain may be causing clogging in the DF’s ability to receive. If this resonates, release that energy and come back to a place of faith. Keep calm and manifest on.
💌To go deeper with the current cosmic/astrological energies, grab the Twin Soul Romance and Ascension Report for this month! 💌
💝This reading was originally channeled for April 16, 2019, but trust that it came to you in the perfect divine timing! If you were drawn to it today, there’s a message here for you. 💝