Today there are no specific cosmic energies to report, but please know that the astrological movements leave lingering energies several days forward and backward. If you’re feeling something and curious if the cosmic energies are affecting you, make sure you check out previous posts!

Additionally, with the Full Pink Moon in Libra tomorrow, you may be feeling an urge to reevaluate how far you’ve come this month. Full Moons always hold a positive Judgement energy and are a good midpoint to take stock of your progress since the last New Moon.


The union energies continue with The Lovers card from The Wild Unknown Tarot. Yesterday I said the Union of Hearts energy was my favorite of favorites, but The Lovers from this deck is a close second!

The Son of Pentacles indicates the pentacle coming forward if you haven’t see it already. In fact, the card shows a pentacle in front of the Sun! This offer is coming forward slowly, but it is coming. The DM is just taking his sweet time.

The 9 of Cups suggests that yours dreams ARE coming true, even if the full vision isn’t here yet. It’s tempting to look at how far you’ve come and think, “Is this it? Do I have anything more to show for my efforts?”

God/The Universe wants you to know that your efforts are creating what you want. The seeds have been planted and you’ve received your seedlings. Now is the time to nurture them!


You are moving slowly toward your union at a pace that feels smart and logical to you with the Son of Pentacles and The Lovers energies. This is both ideal for you and challenging for you, as you made your decision to move toward this already, but you’ve been struggling to take action!

Please know that your pace is right on schedule, regardless of the pressure you may feel from yourself or external sources to move faster. The 9 of Cups shows that regardless of pace, you are moving toward and building your dreams. And if you aren’t able to articulate your dreams right now, please know that energetically, you have the help of the divine feminine to pave the way.

💌To go deeper with the current cosmic/astrological energies, grab the Twin Soul Romance and Ascension Report for this month! 💌

💝This reading was originally channeled for April 18, 2019, but trust that it came to you in the perfect divine timing! If you were drawn to it today, there’s a message here for you. 💝