Today the sun ☉ is trine with Jupiter ♃ and manifestations are beginning to move from that dreamy energy and into reality! Finally! It’s been a few weeks or months of visioning and planting seeds while seeing no progress in the material world. But if you have been manifesting beautiful things, you’ll see them begin to peek through in the 3D realm.
You may also find that logic serves you well during this time for creating abundance. While the energies from the past several weeks were not ideal for mapping out realistic plans, the energies have now shifted. You’ll find that planting these visions in the material world comes more easily to you at this time.
Additionally, Venus ♀︎ is sextile with Pluto ♇! What this means for twin souls is you’ll be seeing some mirrored energies for the DM and DF. This energy is of feminine power and transformation, similar to The Empress or the Queen of Cups energy.
The DFs are stepping into their power, stepping up, and creating what they want! They’ve let go of wishy-washy and dreamy energies from earlier in the month and they are beginning to ground their dreams into reality, with the help of the masculine (either physically or energetically—mostly energetically).
Whatever the DF has dreamed around career, money, relationships, friendships, and more will begin taking place in the material world. All those seeds planted have turned to seedlings, including her hopes for the union! Tiger’s Eye is like a good luck charm when it comes to creating happiness and prosperity, and indicates positive movements in the 3D.
If you decluttered at the beginning of the month, you will see these shifts happening with the divine masculine as well, with him grounding those visions you created (because you share the same desires and emotions) into reality. He has been looking for the opportunity to prove himself and has had a pentacle in his hand for many months. He wants to make the offer of the pentacle to you, if he hasn’t already. Be on the lookout for it this week!
If not, you can still step into your power. Grab some Rhodozite, which helps you create harmony in your environment. You may want to pick up some of this crystal anyway because it also helps you clear your mind of negative energies that can sabotage or prevent your manifestations from taking root in the 3D.
Additionally, if you’ve been struggling to get your DM to communicate, Rhodochrosite is a loving crystal that brings more compassion and forgiveness to your relationships. This crystal will help you gently open your (and your counterpart’s) heart.
The DM is now seeing the long-term vision from an emotional level as opposed to how they have been viewing it, from a King of Swords energy. They’ve released their reliance on logical decision-making and are looking at what’s in their heart. Tiger’s Eye indicates that long journeys are ahead, and DMs are tempted to focus on the whole journey. The shift needed is to focus on a different practicality, which is to take one step at a time, one day at a time. How can you tackle several days in just a few moments? You can’t. That’s the lesson for the DMs at this time, and as they learn this lesson, they move deeper into their heart space and trust their intuition.
The DM is understanding and taking action on his emotions, without cluttering or seeding doubt in them through his thoughts. He is shifting because he’s tired of lying to himself. He is surrendering to the truth of his heart, which he has been fighting against for so long. He’s exhausted! This shift may mean sharing his emotions with the DF and giving her an honest peek at what he has been dealing with the past several months. Rhodochrosite is a beautiful and loving crystal that can help with this as it helps humans deal with painful feelings without shutting down. This allows for a release of the emotions, which brings greater peace and well-being.
DMs, if you’ve been decluttering you’ll find yourself less overwhelmed and with more space to take small actions toward your dreams, having checked off everything else from your to-do list. You most likely have already decided what you’re going to do, and this is the time to take action and do it! There is lots of energetic space this week and you can devote your full focus to this at this time. If you’re still feeling overwhelmed, grab some Rhodozite and clear the clutter from your life so you can banish negative leaks.
💌To go deeper with the cosmic/astrological energies, grab the current Twin Soul Romance and Ascension Report for this month! 💌
💝This reading was originally channeled for April 15, 2019, but trust that it came to you in the perfect divine timing! If you were drawn to it today, there’s a message here for you. 💝